Download H H Software SCSI & RAID Devices Driver


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  3. Download H H Software SCSI & RAID Devices Driver
Download H H Software SCSI & RAID Devices Driver

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This header is used by storage. For more information, see:

Download H H Software SCSI & RAID Devices Driver
  • Storagescsi.h contains the following programming interfaces:


Download H h Software SCSI & RAID Devices driver
IOCTL_SCSI_MINIPORT_DSMA Data Set Management (DSM) notification is transferred to a miniport driver in a IOCTL_SCSI_MINIPORT_DSM control code request.


FIELD_OFFSETThe FIELD_OFFSET macro returns the byte offset of a named field in a known structure type.
RtlZeroMemoryThe RtlZeroMemory routine fills a block of memory with zeros, given a pointer to the block and the length, in bytes, to be filled.


Download H h Software SCSI & RAID Devices driver

Download H H Software Scsi & Raid Devices Drivers

BLOCK_DEVICE_RANGE_DESCRIPTORThe BLOCK_DEVICE_RANGE_DESCRIPTOR structure describes a range of logical blocks associated with various fragments of a file for an offload copy operation.
BLOCK_DEVICE_TOKEN_DESCRIPTORBLOCK_DEVICE_TOKEN_DESCRIPTOR contains the token returned from a the POPULATE TOKEN command for an offload read data operation.
INQUIRYDATAThe INQUIRYDATA structure is used in conjunction with the TapeMiniExtensionInit and TapeMiniVerifyInquiry routines to report SCSI inquiry data associated with a tape device.
PHYSICAL_ELEMENT_STATUS_DATA_DESCRIPTORThe PHYSICAL_ELEMENT_STATUS_DATA_DESCRIPTOR structure contains status information for a physical element.
PHYSICAL_ELEMENT_STATUS_PARAMETER_DATAThe PHYSICAL_ELEMENT_STATUS_PARAMETER_DATA structure contains the parameter data for a physical element.
POPULATE_TOKEN_HEADERA populate token parameter list starts with a POPULATE_TOKEN_HEADER structure. This is the header for the parameters in a command data block (CDB) of the POPULATE TOKEN command.
PRI_REGISTRATION_LISTThe PRI_REGISTRATION_LIST structure is returned in response to a Persistent Reserve In command with ServiceAction = RESERVATION_ACTION_READ_KEYS.
PRI_RESERVATION_DESCRIPTORThe PRI_RESERVATION_DESCRIPTOR structure is used to construct the PRI_RESERVATION_LIST structure that is returned in response to a Persistent Reserve In command with ServiceAction = RESERVATION_ACTION_READ_RESERVATIONS.
PRI_RESERVATION_LISTThe PRI_RESERVATION_LIST structure is returned in response to a Persistent Reserve In command with ServiceAction = RESERVATION_ACTION_READ_RESERVATIONS.
PRO_PARAMETER_LISTThe PRO_PARAMETER_LIST structure is sent in a Persistent Reserve Out command to a device server.
RECEIVE_TOKEN_INFORMATION_HEADERThe RECEIVE_TOKEN_INFORMATION_HEADER structure contains information returned as status from an offload data transfer operation.
RECEIVE_TOKEN_INFORMATION_RESPONSE_HEADERA token, created as a representation of data (ROD), for an offload read data operation is returned in a RECEIVE_TOKEN_INFORMATION_RESPONSE_HEADER structure.
REPORT_ZONES_DATANote This structure is for internal use only and should not be called from your code. .
RT_PARAMETER_DATAThe RT_PARAMETER_DATA structure contains the parameter data for the report timestamp command.
SES_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE_CONTROL_DIAGNOSTIC_PAGEThe SES_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE_CONTROL_DIAGNOSTIC_PAGE structure contains a vendor specific microcode (i.e., firmware) image for use by the enclosure services process.
SES_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE_STATUS_DESCRIPTORThe SES_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE_STATUS_DESCRIPTOR structure specifies the status and additional status of a download microcode.
SES_DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE_STATUS_DIAGNOSTIC_PAGEThe Download Microcode Status diagnostic page includes information about the status of one or more download microcode operations.
ST_PARAMETER_DATAThe ST_PARAMETER_DATA structure contains the parameter list for the set timestamp command.
STOR_ADDR_BTL8The STOR_ADDR_BTL8 address structure contains the addressing information for an 8-bit Bus-Target-LUN (BTL8) address.
STOR_ADDRESSA general structure for holding a storage device address.
TRACK_INFORMATION2The TRACK_INFORMATION2 structure is used to report track information.
VPD_THIRD_PARTY_COPY_PAGEThe VPD_THIRD_PARTY_COPY_PAGE structure defines the vital product data (VPD) page for offload data transfer operations.
VPD_ZONED_BLOCK_DEVICE_CHARACTERISTICS_PAGENote This structure is for internal use only and should not be called from your code. .
WRITE_USING_TOKEN_HEADERThe WRITE_USING_TOKEN_HEADER structure describes the destination data locations for an offload write data operation.
ZONE_DESCRIPTIORNote This structure is for internal use only and should not be called from your code. .

Download H H Software Scsi & Raid Devices Driver Updater


Download H H Software SCSI & RAID Devices Driver
